merupakan blog pribadi milik Rangga Risokta, jika berkenan silahkan tinggalkan komentar atau kirim email. :)
merupakan blog pribadi milik Rangga Risokta, jika berkenan silahkan tinggalkan komentar atau kirim email. :)
dipungkiri, teknologi sangat berkembang pesat, waktu penulis masih SMA,
blog merupakan hal mewah yang sulit dijangkau untuk orang pedesaan,
karena minimnya akses internet. seiring
berkembangnya waktu, internet seakan seperti camilan sehari-hari dan
mudah di dapat. oleh karena itu, blog ini ditulis untuk membantu para
pendidik atau pun non pendidik untuk ikut membantu menyebarkan ilmu
ini bertajuk utama pendidikan, tetapi, tidak melulu berisi tajuk
tersebut. penulis mengisi blog dengan tema lain pula, seperti Chord dan
kisah-kisah singkat
akhir kata dari saya, selamat membaca blog ini :)
a Risokta Rangga's personal blog, if you will forgive please leave a comment or send an email. :)
without a doubt, technology is growing rapidly, while the author was still in high school, a blog is a luxury hard to reach to rural people, due to lack of internet access. as the development of time, the Internet seemed like a snack everyday and accessible. therefore, this blog is written to help educators or non-educators to help to spread the knowledge.
This blog titled primary education, however, is not merely contain that header. author fill the blog with other themes as well, such as Chord and short stories
final word from me, happy reading this blog :)
a Risokta Rangga's personal blog, if you will forgive please leave a comment or send an email. :)
without a doubt, technology is growing rapidly, while the author was still in high school, a blog is a luxury hard to reach to rural people, due to lack of internet access. as the development of time, the Internet seemed like a snack everyday and accessible. therefore, this blog is written to help educators or non-educators to help to spread the knowledge.
This blog titled primary education, however, is not merely contain that header. author fill the blog with other themes as well, such as Chord and short stories
final word from me, happy reading this blog :)