standard drawing for engineering

1.    Standard Drafting
Standard technical drawing is a uniformity that has been agreed in order to avoid misunderstandings in communication techniques. People involved in the field of engineering drawings need to know about the standards. Related persons include students in technology and industry groups, the product planners, machine operators, assembly operators, mechanics and control the quality of a product / machine.
 Standard drawing techniques can be applied within the company, between companies / industries within a country, even the standard can be applied to engineering drawings of industrial inter-state known as International Standards or abbreviated SI. Countries that have made a standard is:
a.    Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS)
     for more info: JISC
b.    Nederland Normalisatie Instituut (NNI)
     for more info: NNI
c.    Deutsche Industrie Normen (DIN)
                      for more info: DIN
d.    Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)
     for more info: SNI
e.    American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
     for more info: ANSI
f.     International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
     for more info: ISO
ISO (International Standardization for organization) aims to bring together the technical understanding between nations by making a standard. The standards that were then brought to an international forum with the aim for:
a.    Facilitate national and international trade
b.    Facilitate communication techniques
c.    For developing countries, it can give handy hints on specific issues  in the field of engineering.

2.    Drafting Pencils
The tools used to describe the scratch line in the image. Pencil is divided into two kinds of pencils, which is:
1)    based on the shape:
                    a.   Pencil rod, whose contents fused with rods.
                    b.  Mechanical pencils, pencil that can be reloadable.
2)    Based Hardness. These pencils have different hardness levels and usually denoted by the letter (F = Firm, H = Hard, B = Black). Here is link to more details Story of pencil

3.    Technical Pen is a drawing tool for drawing ink on tracing paper, and has a thickness  levels. This tool requires regular maintenance that can still be used as it should be. for more detail please visit Technical_pen

4.    Compass (drawing tool) is a drawing tool that is used to create a circle by plugging one end of the rod on a paper image as a center of the circle and the other serves as a pencil to draw a line.The following link for more details Compass

5.    Drafting Board must have a flat surface, straight and smooth. Adequate size drawing board for engineering drawings is 1265 mm long, 915 wide and 30mm thick. complete the following link drafting board

6.    Protractor used to divide an angle into equal size. Generally made of mica and come  with dividers ranging from 0°-360°. Complete the following linkProtractor

7.    Paper which is used to create engineering drawings are white drawing paper whose surface is not rough. If the rough drawing paper will be difficult to draw a straight line with ink.
Type of drawing paper commonly used in engineering drawings comprise three types, namely:
a.    Paper millimeter blocks, namely a thick white drawing paper that has a horizontal line and a vertical line with a distance of 10 x 10mm. Chart paper serves to create temporary images generated from the measurement results with the scale.
b.    Thick white paper, which is paper ordinary image that is often used to create images with the scale and the actual size (A0, A1, A2, A3, etc.). Link below for the full sizePaper_size
c.    Tracing paper, transparent paper that is used to create an image with ink. following a full description\Tracing_paper

8.    triangle ruler consists of one angle of 45 °, 90 °, 45 ° or an angle of 30 °, 90 ° and 60 °. A pair of triangle ruler is used to create parallel lines, special angles and lines perpendicular to each other. for more details ruler  steel square

9.    Eraser is used to erase pencil lines that are not useful in order not to damage the paper drawing and does not leave colour on paper drawing of fine white eraser use. for eraser


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